Total skin lesion score and total extent score and pruritus score were significantly lower on Days 28, 56 and 84 compared to pre-treatment (Day 0) values (Table 4). Cite this article. Why should I care about ticks? After the successful completion of a global development programme, the topical formulation of selamectin was registered and is now marketed throughout the world (as either Stronghold® or Revolution®, depending upon geographical region) as a topical product with a broad claims structure including a number of endo- and ectoparasites, for use on dogs and cats at a dose of at least 6 mg/kg (Table 1); it is commercialised in colour-coded tubes containing different amounts and different concentrations of the active ingredient, each suitable for animals in a defined weight band. volume 50, Article number: 46 (2008) Old English Sheepdogs and Shar pei tend to get severe forms of this condition. Terms and Conditions, Dunbar-Jacob J, Mortimer-Stephens MK. All dogs were subjected to a physical examination before treatment to be considered suitable for inclusion into the study. Leicht entzündlich; von Hitze, Funken, offenen Flammen oder sonstigen Zündquellen fernhalten. Vet Dermatol. Treatment protocols for demodicosis: an evidence-based review. Parasit Vectors. Treatment is not necessary or recommended for localized demodicosis but there are treatment options for people who simply cannot feel right about doing nothing. 2002, 153: 167-172. Vet Dermatol. In seltenen Fällen kann die Anwendung des Tierarzneimittels eine zeitweilige lokale Verklebung der Haare am Auftragungsort und/oder das Auftreten einer kleinen Menge einer weissen, pudrigen Substanz bewirken. The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMWA/CVMP/VICH/595/98-Final). Clinical evolution after monthly administrations of afoxolaner in two dogs with generalised demodicosis. Fourie J, Dumont P, Halos L, Beugnet F, Pollmeier M. Efficacy of a topical application of Certifect® (fipronil 6.26% w/v, amitraz 7.48% w/v, (S)-methoprene 5.63% w/v) for the treatment of canine generalised demodicosis. Also, predisposition to demodicosis is hereditary and should not be passed on. Often as generalized demodicosis is treated, the foot is the last stronghold of the mite. Selamectin has been commercially available for approximately seven years and in that time has become established as a useful and effective treatment for those conditions for which it is licensed, and also as a readily-applied treatment for a range of other endo- and ectoparasites. Alternatively, skin biopsy or hair plucks may also be performed [3, 4, 6]. After the pup is a week or so old, it has developed enough immunity so that infection is no longer possible. A single administration of selamectin at the recommended dose (6 mg/kg) has been successfully used to eliminate the mites [17, 18]. THE CULPRIT - DEMODEX CANIS. The primary antiparasitic efficacy variable was the reduction of the number of live mites (adults and immature stages) on Day 84 compared to the baseline (pre-treatment). 3850 Grand View Blvd.Los Angeles, CA  90066. Differentiation between juvenile- and adult-onset demodicosis is sometimes difficult. 1999, data on file. Efficacy of two formulations of afoxolaner (NexGard® and NexGard Spectra®) for the treatment of generalised demodicosis in dogs, in veterinary dermatology referral centers in Europe. At the end of the study, 78.1 and 87.5% of the dogs had no alopecia or no erythema, respectively. Large patches of skin are affected and, if allowed to progress untreated, the entire surface of the dog may be impacted. In older times, decades ago before there were effective medications, dipping dogs with demodectic mange in motor oil was a popular home remedy. The picture of the relationship between pharmacokinetic characteristics and efficacy is still emerging. The localised form appears as patches of alopecia and mild erythema in limited areas of the body, usually in young dogs, although it may also affect older ones. In a case report [14], a six-month old domestic cat presented with a three-month history of dyspnoea, and aelurostrongylosis was diagnosed by the identification of first stage larvae in tracheal washings. This document is provided for scientific purposes only. Resolution of a localized demodicosis lesion should be at least partially apparent after one month though total resolution can take up to three months. Symptome und Diagnose: Beim Auftreten von typischen Symptome wie Kratzen und rundliche haarlose Stellen sowie Schuppen und Krusten, sollte der Hund von einer Tierärzt:in untersucht werden. Some cases can never be controlled. Parasit Vectors. proliferation [2]. at least 1 alive mite/alopecic area). Traditionally, infections were treated by weekly applications of various topical acaricidal products [21], with all the inconvenience and disturbance that such treatment regimens entail. Interestingly, if dogs with demodectic podal dermatitis are excluded from the analysis comparing classes of age, no significant difference is observed between dogs older or younger than 18 months. A treatment administrated at a monthly interval is in-line with the monthly follow up of the mite infestation and is expected to improve adherence to treatment. Bishop BF, Bruce CI, Evans NA, Goudie A, Gration KAF, Gibson SP, Pacey MS, Perry DA, Walshe NDA, Witty MJ: Selamectin: a novel broad-spectrum endectocide for dogs and cats., DOI: Dogs were treated with selamectin at a dose-rate of between 6 and 12 mg/kg at fortnightly intervals on a total of four occasions using the standard unit dosing tubes. Demodicosis is one of the most frequent skin conditions in dogs. However, larger numbers of D. folliculorum mites can. California Privacy Statement, The mites themselves cause suppression of the immune system so the pet needs every advantage to stay healthy. Classically Demodex mites have been felt to only be transferable from mother to newborn pup. Vet Parasitol. 2000, 91: 163-176. In veterinary practices, the treatment is stopped after complete remission of clinical signs and two negative skin scrapings performed at a monthly interval [26]. Females should be spayed as soon as the disease is controlled. In this case, it is best to be conservative and not take the chance of passing on genetic predisposition for this disease. and Otodectes cynotis. We currently do not have good understanding of the prognosis or significance of this condition in an adult dog. Selamectin is also unique with its . A recent broad-spectrum survey conducted on a cohort of 431 dogs in California identified the Pitbull Terrier group (including American Staffordshire Terrier) as probably predisposed to demodicosis [24] and this was also the most frequent breed group enrolled in the present study. . Treatments included chlorhexidine shampoos (9/17), systemic antibiotherapy (6/17) with cephalosporins or fluoroquinolone, oclacitinib (1/17) and food supplementation for immune system activation (beta-glucan) (2/17). The first avermectin-based product approved for use in companion animals was a low-dosage formulation of ivermectin solely for the prevention of adult heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infestations in dogs [3]. Since its introduction approximately seven years ago, selamectin (Stronghold®/Revolution®, Pfizer Inc.) has been used off-label to treat a number of ecto- and endoparasite conditions in dogs and cats. All 38 dogs in two households where persistent Cheyletiella sp. 2000, 91: 377-391. Kidney and liver damage can result from motor oil dipping. Mueller R. An update on the therapy of canine demodicosis. Zu den typischen Hautveränderungen zählen Entzündungen und Haarausfall (Alopezie). It is one of the most resistant forms of demodicosis and the deep infections and proliferative tissue that result can take months and great expense to resolve. The higher bioavailability in cats may explain why selamectin appears effective against a broader range of endoparasites in cats than in dogs; for example, it is effective, when applied topically, against A. tubaeforme, the hookworm of cats, but not against A. caninum, the hookworm of dogs [5]. The authors would like to thank Patxi Sarasola for the final report and Anabel Blasco for the help with statistical analysis (ONDAX Scientific S.L., Spain). Demodex folliculorum The skin condition known as demodex folliculorum is also known as pityriasis folliculorum or spinulate demodicosis. Part of By using this website, you agree to our For this reason, the treatment is often considered easier in younger dogs than in adults. The high level of activity against Demodex spp. Moreover, as humans can also become infected, the parasite has important public health implications [12]. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Efficacy of the treatments was assessed monthly by Demodex mite counts and physical examination with special regard to the severity and extension of skin lesions. 2018;29:203–e72. Stronghold is used to treat and prevent infestations with parasites that live on the skin or in the fur of cats and dogs, such as fleas and mites, as well as treating worm parasites that live inside the body. For all statistical tests, a nominal significance level of 5% (P < 0.05) was applied. Vet Dermatol. All dogs were confirmed to have more than five live Demodex mites before treatment with an arithmetic mean count of 183 mites/dog (range of 13–2349). Parasit Vectors. ADULT ONSET-- Most demodicosis occurs in young dogs, under age one and a half. mites present on the body surface of a dog. Endoparasite activity of selamectin is exerted against nematodes and it is in this area that the commercial product has been demonstrated to be effective. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. A recent publication indicated that treatment with isoxazoline (afoxolaner or fluralaner) had a limited effect on cutaneous Demodex spp. Hjärtmask, förebyggande behandling (katt och hund) Det veterinärmedicinska läkemedlet kan ges under hela året eller åtminstone inom en månad efter att djuret först varit i kontakt med myggor . By T. J. Dunn, Jr., DVM. Any reference to a brand or a trademark herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended for a commercial purpose or to dilute the rights of the respective owner(s) of the brand(s) or trademark(s). PubMed Google Scholar. Lebon, W., Beccati, M., Bourdeau, P. et al. The authors acknowledge the financial support of Pfizer Animal Health in conducting this review. 2012;34:E1–4. These early studies also confirmed the excellent safety profile of selamectin, even when administered orally to ivermectin-sensitive collies [5–7]. Pulliam JD, Seward RL, Henry RT: Investigating ivermectin toxicity in collies. At post mortem examination between 33 and 35 days after treatment no mites were found in any treated dog, whilst five of six untreated controls had live mites. Higher doses of ivermectin, which might have provided a broader spectrum of activity allowing control of more parasite species, were unattainable because of idiosyncratic toxic reactions in some breeds of dog [4]. This clinical study was funded by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, 29 Avenue Tony Garnier, 69007 Lyon, France. The clinical signs in the dog are erythematous nodular lesions of varying dimensions with a central pore from which there is a bloody discharge; the end of the parasite is visible through the pore. Stronghold 60mg Spot-On Solution for Dogs weighing from 5.1kg to 10kg. Privacy Three species of Demodex mites have been identified in dogs: Demodex canis, Demodex gatoi, and Demodex injai. Eight cats naturally infested with the harvest mite Neotrombicula autumnalis were treated with selamectin at 6 mg/kg and two days later the clinical signs associated with the infection had subsided and all mites were dead [24]. The Demodex folliculorum mite is a type of parasite that lives on humans. Zusätzlich werden betroffene Stellen auf Pilz- oder Bakterieninfektionen . Google Scholar. Mites are a normal residents of dog skin; it is only in some individual dogs that mites cause problems. This is not unexpected as selamectin has a favourable safety profile [6, 7], and is well-tolerated by cats and dogs including ivermectin-sensitive collies [5]. Adult worms are found most often in the subcutaneous connective tissue [11]. Secondary severe bacterial infections are frequent. Efficacy and safety of sarolaner against generalised demodicosis in dogs in European countries: a non-inferiority study. These infections may require antibiotics but it is important to realize that infection will probably not resolve fully until the mites are gone. In the present study, 27 dogs were younger than 18 months while 23 dogs were older. 2-4 As opposed to topical ectoparasiticides, which may be unknowingly dosed onto the fur, licked off, or washed off, oral formulations can perform more consistently throughout the month. Taenzler J, Liebenberg J, Roepke RKA, Frénais R, Heckeroth AR. Correspondence to This finding corroborates the difficulty of controlling demodectic pododermatitis. One of the most striking clinical descriptions of an ectoparasite infestation of dogs, cats and rabbits is "walking dandruff", which may be observed on pups with a heavy infestation of Cheyletiella spp. Long term compliance is a key factor for the control of chronic diseases [27]. The dogs were 3 months to 15 years-old. Es kann keinerlei Haftung für Ansprüche übernommen werden, die aus dieser Webseite erwachsen könnten. Localized demodicosis occurs as isolated scaly bald patches, usually on the dog's face, creating a polka-dot appearance. © 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Accessed 28 Mar 2018. The evolution from asymptomatic carriage to skin disease may be related to a particular cellular immunodeficiency allowing the multiplication of the mites, although the pathogenesis is not yet elucidated [3,4,5]. Grandi G, Calvi LE, Venco L, Paratici C, Genchi C, Memmi D, Kramer LH: Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (cat lungworm) infection in five cats from Italy. Nicht in die Auftragsstelle einmassieren. Springer Nature. Usually treatment is recommended, though, to facilitate recovery. Current thinking is that mites actually can be transferred from one dog to another but as long as the dog is healthy, the mites simply add into the dog's natural mite population and no skin disease results. The biggest change in the treatment of this condition came with the release of the isoxazoline flea products (Bravecto, Occasionally, a dog fails this treatment as is relegated to the more traditional methods such as high dose oral, It should be mentioned that the common anti-itch medication oclacitinib (Apoquel. THE GOAL OF TREATMENT IS TOTAL ERADICATIONOF THE MITE POPULATION ON THE DOG'S BODY. 2004;15:75–89. Dogs were treated at the standard dose-rate of selamectin every 30 days. 2004, 154: 409-. Vet Dermatol. Transmission is made by direct contact from the bitch to the nursing puppies during the first 2 or 3 days after birth. Microscopic Demodex mites are a natural part of the human microbiome — the ecological community of microorganisms that live within and on the body. The infestation is clinically characterised by extreme pruritus and crusting lesions of the ears, head, neck, back and feet. This is in accordance with the difference in the course of the disease of adult-onset compared to juvenile-onset of demodicosis well described in the literature. 2009;20:441–6. Notoedric mange is a highly contagious, pruritic cutaneous mite infestation of kittens, cats and occasionally rabbits, dogs and pine civets caused by the psoroptic mite Notoedres cati [17, 18]. Demodex spp. Occasionally, a dog fails this treatment as is relegated to the more traditional methods such as high dose oral ivermectin, a protocol which is not safe for many herding breeds, topical moxidectin (Advantage multi®), daily oral milbemycin (Interceptor®) or even labor intensive dipping with amitraz (mitaban®). There are several protocols published describing how to determine if treatment can be stopped. Twenty-seven of them were younger than 18 months while 23 dogs were older. In this way the effectiveness of treatment is assessed and dosing can be changed. Bacterial infectious usually accompany this condition. 2017;10:532. Leone F, Albanese F, Fileccia I: La gale notoédrique du chat: à propos de 22 cas. In: Guaguère E, Prélaud P, Craig M, editors. Bei Hautkontakt das Tierarzneimittel sofort mit Wasser und Seife abwaschen. Writing of the manuscript was performed by LH and WL who are Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health employees. The most common mite of demodectic mange is Demodex canis. Proceedings of BVDSG Spring Meeting, pp 77-79. deer ticks) American dog ticks and Gulf . Description. Maggie A Fisher. Miller WH Jr, Griffin CE, Campbell KL. Efficacy of lotilaner (Credelio™), a novel oral isoxazoline against naturally occurring mange mite infestations in dogs caused by Demodex spp. Pfizer Animal Health provided the financial support to facilitate this review as a service to veterinarians in practice. Infection may be asymptomatic, being discovered only when microfilariae are found in routine testing for D. immitis infection but infection has also been associated with pruritic dermatitis in some animals [11]. Itoh N, Muraoka N, Aoki M, Itagaki T: Treatment of Notoedres cati infestation in cats with selamectin. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Click here for information on Sarcoptic mange. It is important to note that rubbing a creme or ointment on a demodicosis lesion can cause reddening of the lesion making it appear to get worse. In common with most other veterinary products, there have been a number of published reports of the extra-label use of the commercialised topical formulation of selamectin against different parasites in the dog and cat; the purpose of this communication is to review these various reports and to discuss their implications for the current and future use of this important anti-parasitic product. Selamectin is the only molecule with efficacy against the adult and larval stages of fleas and against flea eggs (McTier et al., 2000b;Dryden et al., 2007). The number of mites was reduced by 87.6%, 96.5% and 98.1% on Days 28, 56 and 84, respectively. 1985, 80: 33-40. Die fleckigen Veränderungen sind vorwiegend am Kopf und/oder den Vorderpfoten zu sehen. 2002, 13: 267-274. Google Scholar, Scott DW, Miller WH, Griffin CE: Parasitic skin disease. Efficacy of two formulations of afoxolaner (NexGard® and NexGard Spectra®) for the treatment of generalised demodicosis in dogs, in veterinary dermatology referral centers in Europe, $$ \mathrm{Efficacy}\ \left(\%\mathrm{mite}\ \mathrm{reduction}\right)=100\times \left[\left(\mathrm{C}-\mathrm{T}\right)/\mathrm{C}\right] $$,,,, J Clin Epidemiol. The veterinarian could choose NexGard® or NexGard Spectra® based on the needs of the client, i.e. Mueller RS, Bensignor E, Ferrer L, Holm B, Lemarie S, Paradis M, et al. The evaluation of the prevalence of the individual lesion scores (severity) and the extent score for each of the five selected clinical signs (alopecia, erythema, papules, pustules and scaling) between Day 0 and Day 84 is presented in Table 5. Vet Dermatol. Gaglio G, Cringoli G, Rinaldi L, Brianti E, Giannetto S: Use of Flotac technique for the diagnosis of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in the cat. scaly, rough patches of skin. Parasite. 2003, 38: 421-427. Google Scholar, Mueller RS, Bettenay SV: Efficacy of selamectin in the treatment of canine cheyletiellosis. PubMed  2000, 91: 161-162. No improvement was seen in a Japanese Chin with generalised demodicosis which had previously proved unresponsive to ivermectin therapy when treated with selamectin once daily for two weeks at 30 mg/kg [27]. The need for flea and tick prevention justifies long-term isoxazoline treatment and may prevent relapse/recurrence of demodicosis or even decrease the overall frequency of the disease [24]. Three species of Demodex mites have been identified in dogs: Demodex canis, Demodex gatoi, and Demodex injai. McTier TL, Shanks DJ, Watson P, McCall JW, Genchi C, Six RH, Thomas CA, Dickin SK, Pengo G, Rowan TG, Jernigan AD: Prevention of experimentally induced heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infections in dogs and cats with a single topical application of selamectin. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Further validation of a pruritus severity scale for use in dogs. It can regress spontaneously without treatment [2]. Relapse is always a possibility with generalized demodicosis as there is no easy way to confirm that every mite has been killed but most dogs that relapse do so within a 6-12 month period from the time they appear to have achieved cure. The investigators found greater availability of selamectin in female beagles than in male following topical administration at a dose-rate of 6 mg/kg. 2002, 25: 265-272. However, to date attempts to treat generalised canine demodicosis have not been successful. Treatments were well tolerated in all dogs and resulted in a rapid reduction of mites, with all post-treatment mite counts significantly lower than baseline. Google Scholar. Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology: 30th August to 2nd September 2000; San Francisco. Pangui LJ, Olloy A, Ndonide N, Cazin Ph: Cordylobiosis in dogs in Senegal; incidence and fight against infestation of dogs in Dakar. Vet Res Commun. PubMed  statement and 10.1016/S0304-4017(00)00288-0. 2017;29:10–9. Bowden DG, Outerbridge CA, Kissel MB, Baron JN, White SD. 1984;16:335–41. It was assumed that the addition of milbemycin oxime would have no impact on the overall efficacy of afoxolaner against Demodex spp. The secondary bacterial infections make this a very itchy and often smelly skin disease. 10.1023/B:VERC.0000034993.87007.f8. canis infestation in dogs. Stronghold 120 mg ad us. Demodex gatoi This is a short-bodied mite (Figure 4) found in the stratum corneum. The isoxazoline products are oral medications labeled to kill fleas and ticks in dogs. Die Wirksamkeit von Stronghold wird jedoch nicht eingeschränkt, wenn das Tier zwei oder mehr Stunden nach der Behandlung gebadet wird, dem Regen ausgesetzt ist oder im Wasser schwimmt. Select one of the most common feline parasites to learn more about the protection for cats and kittens that covers them all FLEAS TICKS EAR MITES ROUNDWORMS HOOKWORMS HEARTWORMS *Weighing ≥2.8 lbs. The adult C. anthropophaga or Tumbu fly lays eggs in the environment. The most recent contribution [29] to the understanding of the pharmacokinetics of topical selamectin was a study with topical treatment administered at the minimum recommended dose-rate. A multi-centre field trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of afoxolaner based chewables (NexGard® or NexGard Spectra®) for the treatment of generalised demodicosis caused by Demodex canis in dogs under field conditions in France, Italy and Poland. Such treatments are commonly referred to as "off-label" treatments. 2009;20:447–55. PubMed Central  A review of the off-label use of selamectin (Stronghold®/Revolution®) in dogs and cats. In addition, the difference between percentage reductions in mite counts in two different classes of age (dogs younger than 18 months and dogs older than 18 months) was tested using a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test with continuity correction. achieved with afoxolaner-based products offers new opportunities to veterinarians for the control of demodicosis. Famerée L, Cotteleer C: Les Cheyletielloses en Belgique. Jacobs DE: Selamectin – a novel endectocide for dogs and cats. mites. Bowman DD: Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians. redness around the eyes. The younger the dog, the better the chance of cure. Article  It would be of interest to assess the preventive efficacy of these molecules in young dogs predisposed to demodicosis. How is demodex diagnosed? This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Dupuy J, Derlon Al, Sutra JF, Cadiergues MC, Franc M, Alvinerie M: Pharmacokinetics of selamectin in dogs after topical application. Genchi C, Poglayen G, Kramer L: Efficacy of selamectin in the prevention of Dirofilaria repens in dogs. are tiny, "cigar-shaped" mites which live in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of mammals. Vet Dermatol. vet., Lösung zum Auftropfen für Hunde 2 QUALITATIVE UND QUANTITATIVE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG Jede Einzeldosis (Pipette) enthält: Wirkstoff: Sonstige Bestandteile: Butylhydroxytoluol (E321) 0.8 mg/ml Die vollständige Auflistung der sonstigen Bestandteile finden Sie unter Abschnitt 6.1. It is a common cause of cutaneous myiasis in dogs in tropical Africa, including Senegal [28]. London: Baillière Tindall; 1982. p. 809. Other forms of itch relief should be sought if necessary. Fisher, M.A., Shanks, D.J. Muller and Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. That causes an itchy, irritating condition called demodicosis. PubMed  Until relatively recently, the antiparasitic products available to the veterinarian were often inadequate [1]. Den Inhalt der Pipette direkt auf die Haut auftragen. 2016;57:991–3. Most dogs under one year and a half years of age, recover completely from generalized demodicosis. localised and generalised demodicosis. Vet Dermatol. Full English commen. Skin exposure to motor oil can cause rashes and skin destruction in severe cases. Sehr häufig (mehr als 1 von 10 behandelten Tieren zeigen Nebenwirkungen), Häufig (mehr als 1 aber weniger als 10 von 100 behandelten Tieren), Gelegentlich (mehr als 1 aber weniger als 10 von 1.000 behandelten Tieren), Selten (mehr als 1 aber weniger als 10 von 10.000 behandelten Tieren). The statistical analysis was performed using SAS System® v.9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). CAS  Goodwinol ointment, an insecticide ointment, may be used daily to control localized demodicosis. Bajwa J. Canine pododermatitis. Dogs were weighed before each treatment for appropriate dose determination. In the case of generalised demodicosis, the affected areas are frequently erythematous, with comedones, hair loss, follicular papules to pustules, and scales. A review of the off-label use of selamectin (Stronghold, Dogs were managed under normal conditions by their owners. It is mainly driven by the presence of underlying conditions to manage in addition to the parasitic infestation in adult animals [2, 24]. Leone F, Albanese F: Efficacy of selamectin spot-on formulation against Neotrombicula autumnalis in eight cats. Sometimes a polka dot appearance results but if there are more than 4 spots present, the patient is no longer classified as having the "localized" form and treatment rules for generalized disease may be applied. Vet Parasitol. Enlarged lymph nodes are a bad sign -- often foretelling generalized mange. The collected samples were placed onto a microscope slide and mixed with mineral oil and observed under microscope for total mite counts. Sarasola P, Jernigan AD, Walker DK, Castledine J, Smith DG, Rowan TG: Pharmacokinetics of selamectin following intravenous, oral and topical administration in cats and dogs. Funding for the design, conduct of the study and data collection was provided by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Lyon France. Vet Parasitol. Ticks can be found anywhere in the United States—any time of year in both rural and urban environments 4; Ticks can spread several diseases in cats 4,5; They can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions 4,5; Revolution Plus kills 3 types of ticks for a full month after one dose, including black-legged ticks (a.k.a. 3850 Grand View Blvd. Google Scholar. Recently, it has been proposed that localised demodicosis is characterised as no more than four lesions with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm, while canine generalised demodicosis is characterised by five or more affected areas, or by lesions covering an entire region of the body, and/or demodectic podal dermatitis involving two or more paws [3, 4, 6, 7]. Shernacre Enterprise, Shernacre Cottage, Lower Howsell Road, Malvern, Worcs, WR14 1UX, UK, You can also search for this author in It explains how the Agency assessed this veterinary medicine to recommend its authorisation in the European Union (EU) and its conditions of use. When present, the extent of the lesion was scored as “limited” [seen on up to 1/3 of the (head + body) surface]; “marked” [seen on up to 2/3 of the (head + body) surface]; and “generalised” [seen all over the (head + body) surface]. If the condition generalizes to cover the entire body, the animal should be sterilized. At this last time-point, the 12 dogs with a positive skin scraping had an arithmetic mean of 3.54 mites. Paterson T, Halliwell R, Fields P, Lanza Louw M, Louw J, Ball G, et al. Mites live inside hair follicles -- a difficult place for miticides (chemicals that kill mites) to reach.
Michael Mahonen Married,