He wasn’t even on that training mission. After an unsuccessful attempt at Kolinahr, and receiving a strange telepathic message from an unknown entity, Spock returns to Kirk's side on the Enterprise, hoping to finally find his answers. I would rather die in agony than accept assistance from you!” Nero roared. WebDezember 2022, 13:00. , 108 Postings. Rated: K - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,691 - Published: Culmets. Leonard and Chris have a frank discussion about how Chris's newfound disability impacts their relationship and themselves while also preparing to explain to Jim why they kept their relationship a secret from him. Season 1 findet ihr ebenfalls unter … He just wants the universe, but he'll start with Marcus's blood under his fingernails. Spock tilted his head in that way that meant irrelevant. It was time to meet the Vulcan royalty who would soon become his family. Dort wird er von Spock entführt und auf die Enterprise gebracht. “Pike to Discovery, notify Dr. Pollard and have her team ready to receive survivors in the transporter room.” “ Yes, Captain. Several years after the events of the first season, Captain Burnham and the Discovery recover the long-missing, presumed-dead Gabriel Lorca. wequassett resort … This is my take on what happened after PIke invited Jim for a drink and they got to know each other. We come in peace.” The alien on screen stares, ice–blue eyes wide. Laut dem Roman Die erste Mission wird Pike nach seiner Mission an Bord der Enterprise zum Commodore befördert. You have blood coming out of your nose, mouth and down your cheek. Die Enterprise setzt den Kurs zur Vega-Kolonie fort. Spock gehört 2254 zu dem Außenteam, welches Captain Pike aus der Gewalt der Talosianer befreien will. A collection of vignettes, each chapter its own thing. "Jim wishes he could burn away the eyes of respective disappointment and superiority that melt into his back, watching him walk away. An act of violence shows him a way out of this madness and unlocks knowledge of a looming cataclysm. Die Talosianer zeigen Kirk das neue Leben von Pike. Zwischen 2257 und 2261 führt die Enterprise unter Captain Pike eine zweite Fünf-Jahres-Mission durch. Maybe a small part of him had always expected she’d find her way back to him, somehow. (TOS: Talos IV – Tabu, Teil I, Talos IV – Tabu, Teil II). One day later, Starfleet arrests Una. And it would be, eventually—Michael Burnham and Emperor Philippa Georgiou just had to open the celebrations first...while avoiding certain characters. WebAction Adventure Drama Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien. Pike versucht über Vina alles über die Talosianer herauszufinden. “We’re not the flagship of Starfleet for nothing, Ed.” Pike crosses his arms and gives him a bemused smile. Danach lernt der Waisenjungen den Sternenflotten unteroffizier Charlie Pike kennen und es stellt sich heraus, dass es sich hier um den leiblichen Vater des Jungen handelt. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. “Before the procedure if you are willing, yes.”, The consensual body-swapped threesome I haven't been able to get out of my head since Spock Amok. James T. Kirk and Spock could never seem to get along. No more.”. Pike genießt diese Illusion und unterhält sich weiterhin mit Vina. Tilly gains insight from an unexpected source as she begins the next phase of her life and career. )Alexander Marcus just wants a war (and for his stupid mistake to go away, he's ruining everything.). What’s more, his few remaining friends onboard, Nurse Chapel and Lieutenant Uhura, are barely speaking to him. Rated: T - English - Mystery/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,458 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: T'Rina is held captive, Saru is going to do something about it. Danach nimmt Pike die Nahrung widerwillig auf. "Did she," Chris said, even, something like suspicion flashing in his eyes. Angst. Summary: Sometimes, it's the little things (literally) that keep you holding on. A Captain By Any Other Name, Part II (Pike’s Perspective) Nightmare. aka where Jim comes and lives with Pike after Tarsus. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (52), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (182), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (2), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (52), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (18), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Gaila/Keenser (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series), Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Romulan Commander (Star Trek TOS: Enterprise Incident), Gaila (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series), Alternate Universe - Quirks (My Hero Academia), i wonder what those chulu shippers think of ben, James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, Mirror James T. Kirk/Mirror Leonard McCoy/Mirror Spock, Mirror James T. Kirk/Mirror Leonard McCoy, (Could read as just Guys Being Bros but why would u), never thought about love when i thought about home, James T. Kirk & Crew of the Starship Enterprise, Jim realizes how important Christopher Pike is to him, Christopher Pike is Present but Unconscious for the duration of this fic, Fuckmageddon - Or, That One Time Nero Made Everyone Horny To Prove a Point, Uhura and Spock Never Dated in this Universe, Kirk wants to Fuck Spock so bad it makes him look stupid, Nero's Incursion Increased Xenophobia Against Vulcans, Nero already needed therapy but now he needs more, Episode: s01e10 A Quality of Mercy (Star Trek Strange New Worlds), kirk and pike's conversation during the episode before pike went back, kirk/spock allusion but i couldn't leave it out, i rewatched the episode yesterday and this is the result, Commodore Paris (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series), Jonathan Archer is Too Old For this Nonsense, Father, I'm gonna say thank you.Even if I'm still hurt. As Chris awoke to the sound, he took a heartbeat or two to admire the sight of Jim in his arms and the way light from the moon turned the man’s bare skin just that little bit more of a soft gold, before he carefully removed his arm from his shoulders and stretched it out to pick up the ringing communicator. There's Tangled Destinies by Keira Marcos, it's a series of fics that takes the AOS and goes down an AU where Pine … Pike ist kurz davor, sich dieser Illusion hinzugeben, als er sich im letzten Moment doch dagegen wehrt und wieder in seiner Zelle erscheint. Nach der gefährlichen Mission auf der Vega-Kolonie sucht Pike den Ratschlag seines Freundes, da er nun über seine Zukunft und das Ende seiner Sternenflottenkarriere nachdenkt. Dix années d'ignorance. 'Now that is how you make an entrance. Now will never come again.”—Jean-Luc Picard as Kamin, to his daughter Meribor in ‘The Inner Light’, TNG:s5e25. WebHallo und Willkommen zur zweiten Season meiner Star Trek Fanfiction, in der es um die letzten Abenteuer von Captain Jean-Luc Picard auf der U.S.S. It was not logical to her, why she was to work, live, and be among People again aboard the USS Shenzhou. Banter. Seine Mutter heiratet später Heston Prescott und der junge Christopher nimmt den Nachnamen seines Stiefvaters an. Any help would be welcomed. No guarantee.". SickFic (Mild). Luckily he has great crewmates who are happy to indulge him in some creative releases. “Chris! WebScience-Fiction, Action & Aventure, Drame Durée 50min Âge 12 Star Trek : Discovery (2017) 5 saisons Saison 5 Saison 4 Saison 3 Saison 2 Saison 1 Nouveaux épisodes S4 E13 - Retour au bercail S4 E12 - L'Espèce 10-C S4 E11 - Rosetta Regarder maintenant Streaming 4 saisons HD Achat 4 saisons Bundle 4 saisons HD EN PROMO Regarder … (Set between Jim’s resurrection and the speech he gave at the end of Into Darkness. Jim Kirk was sin personified. But as he sets off on a new five-year mission, he begins to question if what he’s always done is still - or was ever - enough to keep himself and the Enterprise together. Fluff. A horrible accident renders Chris crippled and scarred, leaving Jim helpless as his husband faces an uncertain future stuck in a chair, unable to control himself or the world around him. Temporarily assigned to Enterprise, Tilly and Detmer are in grave danger. "Don't freak out, but Lieutenant Lavalle was asking about you," Tilly said in a single breath, setting her dinner tray on the small table Michael had claimed in the mess hall and taking a seat. Ed’s face splits into a wide grin. Christopher Pike Pike beamt mit seinen Crewmitgliedern zurück zur Enterprise. Spezies (TOS: Der Käfig), 2267 entführt Spock den inzwischen gelähmten und entstellten Pike und bringt diesen zum Planeten Talos IV zurück. In other words I latched on to Sir Neighs-A-Lot as soon as he was mentioned and refuse to acknowledge what happened to him. “Or the Fucktastrophe?”. The time crystal shows Pike a vision of a dying Spock. "Where I am?. He loved it when Michael went teasing on him. ” It was Saru, and his voice sounded relieved, pleased and in awe all at once. WebStars Pass By at Warp. The Star Trek: The Original Series two-parter “The Menagerie” shows that Pike is left disfigured and paralyzed, and his only means of communication is a blinking light. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". After severing his bond with T'Pring, Spock finds himself in a dilemma. Rated: K - English - Family/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 261 - Published: T'Rina's thoughts after she gets off a call with her mother. Discovery facing a threat unlike any they’ve ever encountered. she asked, taking a bite of her veggie goulash, pondering what Lavalle needed. Captain Pike has a problem. “I would rather suffer the end of Romulus a thousand times. Enter the Seven Signals, a murder mystery, galaxy-ending peril, and each other. Vina wird dabei schwer verletzt, jedoch kann sie von den Talosianern gerettet werden. Spock and Sam do whatever Pike tells them to. Jim turned around and felt his heart miss a beat. (DS9: Familien­angelegen­heiten, Der Weg des Kriegers, Teil I), Das Shuttle Pike von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) wird ebenfalls nach ihm benannt. 2257 übernimmt er als Nachfolger von Gabriel Lorca übergangsweise das Kommando über die USS Discovery. Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. But no. Time Frame: Post season three. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (82), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (203), Belgariad/Malloreon Series - David & Leigh Eddings (1), The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (1), Number One | Una Chin-Riley (Star Trek) (10), Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Christopher Pike (10), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Christopher Pike (9), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Christopher Pike, Gaila (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series), absurb situations but nothing worse than the series, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Mirror James T. Kirk/Mirror Christopher Pike, Mirror James T. Kirk/Mirror Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Mirror James T. Kirk/Mirror Khan Noonien Singh, love letter to queer bars for a moment there, "don't flatter yourself you were more like a brother", I See Poetry In Your Eyes (and stars upon your skin), Like Ships in the Night (You keep passing me by), There will be a happy ending in the next part I promise, Philip Boyce/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Christopher Pike, theres sex talk but no explicit sex since its messaging style lol, alternate title of the gc is 'we love pike's dick', they basically just talk about sex and each other idk what to say, Background James T. Kirk/Christopher Pike, James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock.
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