The annual runoff of 56.4 billion m 3 is contributed from all rivers with Volta River contributing a massive 41.6 billion m 3.The mean annual runoff of 38.7 billion m 3 is from the Volta basin in Ghana thus about 64.70% of the total annual runoff. This poster map depicts the diversity of soil types across Africa. Assessment guide,” 2009. In order to obtain ther data, a Request Form (see above tab) should be submitted. Panagos P., Van Liedekerke M., Jones A., Montanarella L., “European Soil Data Centre: Response to European policy support and public data requirements”; (2012) Land Use Policy, 29 (2), pp. Periodic bush burning, uncontrolled … (PDF) SOIL PROPERTIES IN SIX COMMUNITIES IN THE NORTHERN REGION OF GHANA AS AFFECTED BY CROP SPECIES AND LOCATION. B. Gelgo, P. Mshenga, and L. Zemedu, “Analysing the determinants of adoption of organic fertilizer by smallholder farmers in Shashemene District, Ethiopia,” Journal of Natural Sciences Research, vol. Commercial organic fertilizer production will not be feasible when there is no reliable supply of organic material [18]. The goal was to produce a publication, aimed at the general public, decision makers, politicians, teachers and even scientists in other disciplines, that raises awareness of the significance of soil to human existence in Africa. S. T. Amoah and E. A. Kosoe, “Solid waste management in urban areas of Ghana: issues and experiences from Wa,” 2014, As in the study by Bidzakin et al. 5, no. Where experimental data are unavailable, information on the counterfactual situation would normally be provided, and as such the problem of causal inference can easily be resolved [52–54]. 240–257, 2009. Open access. Easy access to technology, education, and extension has great influence on technology adoption [30]. 82–93, 2015. The original data were updated and modified according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources classification system [4]. Data on first ever multiple erosion processes in arable lands as described in the Nature Sustainability paper. Perhaps the most pressing it that contributes directly to a decline in per capita food production, especially in small holdings throughout Africa. This, however, may not have the same impact when used in other crops, and hence the study recommends future research involving other crops. Maize is grown in almost every part of the country [47]. Soil fertility levels as observed for selected parameters are low across locations, particularly The likelihood ratio test of independence of organic fertilizer adoption and gross margin equations indicates that the null hypothesis of no correlation between organic fertilizer usage and gross margin was rejected at the 1% level of significance. T. W. Awadzi. As a result, the study employed different data gathering tools, which included a survey questionnaires and focus group discussion checklist for primary and secondary actors of the study. Lack of information regarding its ability to increase farm benefits also hinders its adoption, as supported by the findings of [85, 86] in their work in Nigeria on organic farming status. Boateng [80] who worked on adoption, technical efficiency, and welfare effects of organic vegetable production in the northern region of Ghana also established a positive relationship between organic fertilizer use and yield increase. 27, no. J. K. Bidzakin, S. C. Fialor, D. Awunyo-Vitor, and I. Yahaya, “Impact of irrigation ecology on rice production efficiency in Ghana,” Advances in Agriculture, vol. <> This allows readers to take hundreds of books or very large books with them on small computing devices such as dedicated eReaders, tablets or Smart Phones running dedicated apps. It is also a high nutrient-dependent crop, hence the reason it was chosen as the crop for this study. 1-2, pp. Y. Wang, Y. Zhu, S. Zhang, and Y. Wang, “What could promote farmers to replace chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers?” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. Estimation of endogenous treatment effects is a common feature in empirical studies in economics. The major limiting factors to the adoption of organic fertilizers identified in the study include the nonunavailability of organic fertilizer, as collaborated by [83] in their work on farmers’ perceptions of organic farming in India and Reference [84] in their work on perception in organic fertilizer in rice production in Cambodia. Organic fertilizer production has a great potential to deal with the poor organic waste management challenge [1]. The estimated average treatment effect on the treated (ATET) of organic6466 fertilizer adoption in maize production is about $431 of gross margin, which is about 63% increase in gross margin. As a result of rural poverty, farmers are unable to apply sufficient nutrients due to the high costs of inorganic fertilisers or from a lack of farm machinery (Africa has the lowest use of industrial fertilisers in the world). Other studies have focused on the determinants of fertilizer (especially chemical fertilizer) adoption [43–45]. In this case, the endogenous treatment model is used to assess the determinants of organic fertilizer adoption and its impact on yield, income, and gross margin of maize production and their determinants jointly. T. W. Awadzi. Rich soil supports forest vegetation. 101–112, 2018. When this arises, simple regression of farm outcomes on the exogenous factors and organic fertilizer adoption will result in biased parameter estimates. The farmer is assumed to maximize utility when. This implies that farmers using organic fertilizer will obtain higher incomes than those who did not use organic fertilizer, which is consistent with the findings of Amfo and Ali [38], Martey [40], and Boateng [80]. About 49% and 35% of the adopters and nonadopters, respectively, had formal education, which could mean education has a positive influence on organic fertilizer adoption. Map of Ghana showing dominant soils and political regions. The farmer population data for each region were obtained from the regional department of agriculture for all three regions. %PDF-1.4 6, pp. production potential that is latent. This fact illustrates that a considerable number of soil types are associated with local soil-forming factors such as volcanic activity, accumulations of gypsum or silica, waterlogging, etc. 281–294, 1997. Access to extension services also had a positive influence on organic fertilizer adoption, which is consistent with the findings of Abebe and Debebe [72], where they established that access to extension services could increase organic fertilizer adoption in their organic fertilizer study in Ethiopia. 41–51, 2017. This paper seeks to establish relationship between organic fertilizer usage and crop farm performance and assess its commercialization potential. The data were developed for research purposes of the JRC (European Commission). 68–116, 2018. Maize yields of farmers who used organic fertilizer are higher than those who did not apply organic fertilizer on their maize farms. The majority of farmers interviewed preferred organic fertilizer to mineral fertilizer with the reasons being that organic fertilizers improve the soil capacity to hold nutrients for longer period, it is less expensive, it improves the soil structure, and it increases crop yield. S. Yeboah, N. E. Amengor, P. Oteng-Darko, and P. F. Ribeiro, “Determinants of nutritious drought tolerant maize adoption and mineral fertilizer application under smallholder farm conditions in Ghana,” Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. Statistical Services … A study describing ESDAC developments in last 10 years. The calendar aims to bring African soil to the attention of everyone who deals with this natural, non-renewable resource that is vital for food and fibre production and sustainable development of the environment. 7, no. This implies that all things been equal, farmers using organic fertilizer will obtain higher yields than those not using organic fertilizer, which is consistent with Amfo and Baba [38] in their vegetable work in Ghana, where they established that organic and inorganic fertilizers improve farm productivity; Martey [40] also showed a positive effect of organic fertilizer on productivity and income in his study of Welfare effect of organic fertilizer use in Ghana. C. Ragasa and A. Chapoto, “Moving in the right direction? Estimates of the endogenous treatment effect model of the impact of organic fertilizer on gross margin. 494–513, 2017. 8, pp. 1, pp. Two representative pits of 2 x 2 x 2 m were excavated at each location and the profiles were described in situ. T. Chen, S. Zhang, and Z. Yuan, “Adoption of solid organic waste composting products: a critical review,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. The mean maize farm size for adopters and nonadopters is 1.12 and 1.24 ha, respectively, with mean yield of 2.2 t/ha and 1.3 t/ha, respectively. WebGenerally the soils in the three northern regions of Ghana are suitable for cereal crop production. Effect of organic fertilizer on maize production factors. The impact of organic fertilizer adoption on profit is higher than its impact on yield and income. To measure the effect of organic fertilizer on maize production, we must control for differences between farmers who choose to adopt and those who do not. Organic fertilizer commercialization has the potential to make Ghana a net exporter of fertilizer and create sustainable jobs for the youth. The determinants of organic fertilizer adoption decision and those of the farm outcomes are jointly determined. The study employed a farmer-survey and key informant interviews to generate data from 300 farmers randomly selected across three regions in Ghana. Interactions with fertilizer distributors and retailers expressed their willingness to distribute organic fertilizers to farmers if they are made available. Organic fertilizer adopters have smaller farm sizes compared to nonadopters. To compound matters, there is very little dialogue between the soil science community and the general public. About 95% of organic fertilizer adopters obtained their animal droppings from their own animal’s pens, only 5% indicated they bought it. To transfer files to iPads, you will have to use a) either the file sharing options of iTunes. boundary in west-central Ghana. Methodology and data collection The Kwaebibirem District in the Eastern Region of Ghana was the focus of the study. Dropbox, GoogleDrive, iCloud). The vegetation is a typical Guinea savannah type, characterized by drought resistant grasses and trees. x��V{X��WQ:*�3��νsg�D�X�"�R�_���BA�����F�X�%Fm .���Z��FԈ�A�g�_�bEI4���.3|Ꮶ� This shows that the current organic fertilizer demand is driven primarily by vegetable and maize production. 4, pp. Out of the organic fertilizer adopters sampled, the distribution of organic fertilizer used by the various crops shows that the majority of the organic fertilizer adopters used it in vegetable production (42%). 1-3, pp. Their essential micronutrients content include boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn) [13]. 1, Article ID 1669398, 2019. 272, Article ID 122712, 2020. The total cost of production of adopters was lower than that of nonadopters, just as their cost of input. Fan, “Perceptions, risk attitude and organic fertilizer investment: evidence from rice and banana farmers in Guangxi, China,” Sustainability, vol. Feeder roads department Roads and rail network (with Ghana Highways Authority) 16. With respect to access to extension services, adopters had more access to extension services than nonadopters, as shown in Table 4. 39–52, 2013. 84, no. While there are a good number of methods for impact evaluation, the most common in the literature are the Differences in Differences approach (DiD), Propensity Score Matching (PSM) by Rosenbaum and Rubin [58], Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR), and the Instrumental Variables (IV) approach. The findings suggest that there is a projected high temperature and low rainfall in the … 1, no. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data in this study. 35–44, 2016a. 29–38, 2013. 2, pp. 605–621, 2021. Jones, A., Breuning-Madsen, H., Brossard, M., Dampha, A., Deckers, J., Dewitte, O., Gallali, T., Hallett, S., Jones, R., Kilasara, M., Le Roux, P., Michéli, E., Montanarella, L., Spaargaren, O., Thiombiano, L., Van Ranst, E., Yemefack, M., Zougmore, R., (eds. About 90 percent of households in the area are engaged in crop production, cultivating crops such as maize, rice, sorghum, soybeans, cowpea, cassava, yam, cotton, and vegetables. The adoption of organic fertilizers is constrained by the lack of stability and integrity in land tenure [29]. LUCAS: three campaigns with available data: 2009/12, 2015 and 2018. Either download the file to your computer or Cloud Storage. Projection: WGS 1984Legend: You can find them in the page 64 and 65 of the Soil Atlas of Africa. O. C. Ajewole, “Farmer’s response to adoption of commercially available organic fertilizers in Oyo state, Nigeria,” African Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. In drier conditions, weathering processes are less intense which, together with … Among such approaches, the instrumental variables approach is hailed for its strength in minimizing biases due to both observable and unobservable factors, but finding an appropriate instrument always remains a great challenge. There are numerous benefits associated with organic fertilizer production such as decrease in odour nuisance from dump sites and availability of dump sites for alternative agricultural uses, and the organic fertilizer produced is used for crop production. 14, no. Soil Survey in Ghana - Awadzi - 2002 - Soil Survey Horizons - Wiley Online Library Journals Article Soil Survey in Ghana T. W. Awadzi, R. D. Asiamah First published: … One of the major contributions of this study is to go beyond the impact on yield to include income and profitability, which is often not studied. stream 3, no. Moreover, organic fertilizer adoption and potential adoption rates were estimated as well as mean acreage under organic fertilizer production, using the survey and secondary data. Northern Ghana (Northern, Upper East, and Upper West regions) occupies a total land area of 97,666 km2 with an estimated population of 6.38 million [50]. 1, Article ID 1538589, 2018. O. Cofie, K. C. Rao, S. Fernando, and J. Pau, Composting Experience in Developing Countries: Drivers and Constraints for Composting Development in Ghana, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Final Report for World Bank, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2009b. III) HUMAN ACTIVITY. However, most sites are marginal, with shallow soil depth as the major … 10, p. 844, 2018. In fact, 10 per cent of the entire land surface of Ghana is covered by water. The farm sizes of adopters are smaller than those of their nonadopter counterparts.
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