But it’s unclear what will happen to these properties if the case finds itself in court in the future. . Explore 5 architectural icons in 1 Hong Kong neighborhood, Searching for traces of the ancient Chola dynasty. Hope has granted rights to sell bits of the moon to the Internet site MoonEstates.com . In fact, Dennis Hope of the Lunar Embassy has fabricated a fictional tale in which a vision came to him, and led him to register a claim to owning the Moon in 1980. Now, he makes money by selling deeds to the moon and other planetary plots by the acre. Howard County Executive Calvin Ball will host his annual Lunar New Year Celebration at The Mall in Columbia . But experts disagree. You can purchase your own plot on the Planet Mars and have the Deed to prove it. The cheapest plot of land available on the Lunar Embassy site, a single acre, is priced at $24.99, while the most expensive, a 'continent-sized' expanse of territory of 5.3 million acres, was on . All others, including all spacefaring nations (USA, Russia, China etc) refused to sign it and did not sign it. Join your everyone around the world in owning moon land coordinates. In addition, you may want to look into one-time use credit card numbers. Although the Outer Space Treaty, which came into force in 1967 forbids countries from claiming celestial bodies, there apparently is no provision forbidding private individuals from doing so. Please be advised that any others are copy cat companies without authority, soliciting your money for unauthorized products. If you would like a larger property please contact us at info@lunarembassy.com. All of a sudden (though unlikely), 180 Nations may decide no one is to go and exploit Lunar or Celestial Resources. SaaS, Android, Cloud Computing, Medical Device), Where the organization is headquartered (e.g. If you order more than one property on the Moon, the properties will be next to each other. Views of the debris field with the City, the Face on Mars, Five sided pyramid, the Bastian and the Spiral Mound. Press J to jump to the feed. As per reports, he has sold over 16 billion acres of lunar real estate to over seven million individuals since 1980. "What Lunar Embassy is doing does not give people buying pieces of paper the right to ownership of the moon," she said. Cancel your credit card immediately, and follow the action advice below. . What does this mean? If you didn't buy via spam, we recommend you still watch the charges on this credit card (as well as all credit cards, bank statements, and other financial accounts) very carefully. Copyright © 2022 Scambusters.org and Breakthrough Consulting, Inc. Scammers Target Harry Potter and Twilight Fans. Well it has. Just type it in below. The Lunar Embassy Mars gift packages are unique, personalized gifts and since Lunar Embassy is the ONLY recognized legal seller of Extraterrestrial Real Estate you can be confident your purchase is from the Real Deal! It is the only area on any of our webservers where we will leave the “fun” aspect of the entire story aside for the moment for a reality check. No matter what you are told, there is only one body that has the authority to name stars/craters/stellar objects etc. The UN and all countries that signed the Outer Space Treaty became aware of this vital omission almost immediately after the treaty was ratified in 1967. Buy an acre or more today. We just want recognition so we can work together," Hope said. These companies could not do this, if it was illegal by any treaty to exploit the Moon for profit motives. Since 1980, Hope has raked in over $9 million selling acres of lunar real estate for $19.99 a pop. So he wrote to the United Nations in November 1980 declaring the moon was his. This is not a bad thing. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. No one can see into the future. Luna Society International and the United Lunar Republic has Citizen-Members in every country around the world. 1 deed or 3 and more deeds Internationally is fine to add the note. Only this site, in the USA, sells Worldwide. Lunar Embassy, an extraterrestrial real estate company claims that it has sold 500 million acres of lunar land as "novelties". to be used by those who own property on the moon. Action: If you bought via spam, cancel the credit card immediately and explain to your credit card company what happened. As you have seen on TV by now I am sure, Lunar Embassy is the only legitimate seller of extraterrestrial real estate. On their website they claim to be legally recognized as a seller of extraterrestrial land. Would it not be great if life was that simple? It really depends on the fine print. And wow, it even lights up at night! Domestic shipping has no restrictions. Such rules would apply to businesses looking to establish hotels, mining operations, and other commercial endeavors on the moon. All Rights Reserved. All of a sudden, we may actually decide the absence of current law is a good thing. Well here is the truth about some myths and we do explain them, as we know them to be fact to the best of our ability as well as many space expert’s abilities. Other more immediate uses for the moon include mining moondust for lunar construction, launching satellites, and setting up solar-power collectors, Kokh said—projects for the first wave of moon settlers. In the 1980s, Hope claimed he discovered a loophole in the 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty that lets individuals own parts of the moon. Dennis Hope filed the Claim and gave notice to the United Nations in 1980 and People have been able to buy land on Mars ever since. For more than three decades, the Lunar Embassy Corporation has generated $11 million in revenue from selling extraterrestrial real estate. Quoting the Lunar Embassy Website: "We at the Lunar Embassy are pleased that our work since November of 1980 is finally starting to be recognized by the United States of America government as . This is therefore perfectly ok. (And hey, we can not wait to try one of those buggys..) Again they also protect all of mankinds right to this: anyone can go and pay to have a cruise across the Lunar Surface. Further, all the details pertaining to your Mars Acre are recorded in our computerized Lunar Embassy land registry of extraterrestrial property owners, which is treated completely confidentially. Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America 3505 International Place, N.W. "There is a loophole in the treaty – it does not apply to individuals.". But public opinion is forming big time and that is a very good start. Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that a man named Dennis Hope has been selling land on the moon for the past 35 years. The crater, previously designated as Posidonius J, is located in the Moon's Lake of Dreams (Lacus Somniorum). So Hope formed Lunar Embassy Corp, snatched up the property rights to the moon and more, and has been selling off one-acre lots since. While the most publicized "extraterrestrial real estate" company is Dennis Hope's Lunar Embassy, lunar sales date back to 1955, when Robert R. Coles, a former chairman of New York's "Hayden Planetarium", incorporated and started selling lots on the moon for one dollar per acre - because no one else had claimed the Moon 1. The Lunar Embassy think this is not a good idea, because it would give precedence to corporations and financially capable organizations to file and receive an extraterrestrial property, because they can afford to go there. As a law expert will tell you, what is actually important here is what the Outer Space Treaty does not say. Extraterrestrial real estate refers to claims of land ownership on other planets, natural satellites, or parts of space by certain organizations or individuals. It just seems a bit daft to me. All documents are individually marked by us and indicate the precise location of your lunar land. (The answer may surprise you.). . Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. If you see any fraudulent activity, report the problem and close the accounts immediately. Lunar Embassy says it made the first claim and so it is the rightful owner of lunar property. When as a result of the L5 Society efforts the US congress failed to ratify the treaty, the USSR also breathed a sigh of relief. Phone Number +1-702-991-1232. Chinese embassy representative Wang Huijun . It gets more interesting. Then, check our website for info on credit card fraud and identity theft, as well as following the recommendations on our site for what to do if you've been scammed: - What to Do if Your Credit Card or Wallet is Stolen. Animal-friendly laws are gaining traction across the U.S. COVID-19 is more widespread in animals than we thought. You can't even buy the reasonable assumption you will later have a meaningful claim to the land. A possible clean burning energy source with no wasteful bi-product. © 2023 Lunar Embassy. * Personal Note cannot be added for a 2 deed order Internationally. We are grateful to them. In the meantime, whenever the Lunar Embassy can contribute to the discussion of the subject in a productive manner, we will always love to do so. the Chinese Embassy in the country fired back . All Rights Reserved. Facebook; Twitter; He knew he could make a fortune selling real estate and turned his attention to outer space. You can own your own piece of land on Mars, many famous people have property, Elon himself has 5 acres. Many experts don't credit his ownership as being legitimate. The normal member of the public would therefore lose out on any claims if such a suggestion were followed, because it is much more difficult for us mortals, physically and financially, to reach the Moon or the other eight planets. No Other Company has a Claim. The moon is huge—its surface is estimated to span 9,383,748,198 acres. The Lunar Registry makes buying property on the Moon easy, fast and legal. On Wednesday, SM Shahin Alom and Sk Shakil Hosen received the land deed and a map showing the location of their land on the surface of the moon. China and Canada have each prosecuted an individual trying to sell lunar plots. Redheads aren’t going extinct. For £100. Then many things would change. 20160 Williams Hwy Ste 71, Williams, OR 97544-9612. When it broke, we trotted back to the shop only to find that it had gone out of business. . Well it means that governments can not appropriate the Moon or other celestial bodies. ルナエンバシー(英語:The Lunar Embassy.LLC)とは、月をはじめ、火星、金星などの土地を販売し、その権利書を発行する地球圏外不動産業(と称したサービス業)を行っている企業である。 本社所在地はアメリカ ネバダ州。 日本では、日本法人の株式会社 ルナエンバシージャパンに業務を委託 . If your Land on the Moon is a gift and you don’t have time to wait for the documents, request a Certificate of Ownership be emailed to you in the ‘Order Notes’ at checkout. Get your acre on Mars now and join millions of land owners. After his work with Hope, Ennis admitted in The New York Times that the Head Cheese offered him an acre of lunar land. This information is well documented fact today. He set his sights on the moon. Lunar Embassy even registered a branch in China in 2005, offering to sell lunar real estate for 298 yuan (US$37) an acre. The Extraterrestrial Passport and Nationality, http://www.asi.org/adb/j/02/legal-roadblocks.html. Others reject the claim. Lunar Embassy's Hope, meanwhile, already seems to be charging toward establishing an autonomous moon government. A canine elixir for longevity could lead to one for us: They live in our houses, breathe the same air, and suffer many of the same ailments that affect older people. Hope has also claimed ownership of Mars, Venus, Mercury, and one of Jupiter’s moons and said that he doesn’t “sell in other planets because [he] can’t find maps of them to carve out subdivisions.”. A short time later, he received a Chase Visa credit card issued in the name of: Never Waste Tree. If someone though wants to build a house on your property, that is quite a different issue altogether. Crime is up, thousands of people sue each other every day, and we all must make changes so we can perhaps all get along somehow. Others have suggested that it would be a good idea, that when extraterrestrial claim laws are established, they should be linked to the proximity of the individual to the property in question. In all cases we think it is a good thing. Let us know in your Order Notes at checkout and we will include a nice message with the Documents*. Don't expect to see luxury condominiums on the moon anytime soon, though. Unfortunately, all attempts at ratifying such an amendment failed because member states did not agree with it. Expedited shipping is available at an additional charge. characters including spaces ), The Extraterrestrial Passport and Nationality. This is not a Myth. A man named Dennis Hope found a loophole in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty that allows (or, rather, fails to disallow) individuals to own the moon. We in the Lunar Embassy recently bought a toaster for the kitchen. Answer (1 of 3): "Is the lunar embassy real?" Absolutely not. A few signals so far point to a real but limited recovery. Forty years after Apollo 11, debate rages over who can control the moon. Hope even claimed to establish a government, to ground the Lunar Embassy in international law. So, in the end, all the ratification attempts were summarized into the famous Moon Treaty some 15 years later. Domestic shipping has no restrictions. All documents are individually marked by us and indicate the precise location of your lunar land. Check with any attorney and they'll confirm for you that this isn't the way the law works in any country on Earth. One acre of lunar property can be purchased for $19.99 . Kokh personally thinks that the best possible future is one in which the people of the moon rule themselves. A claim on land is only as valid as your ability to enforce it. For more than three decades, the Lunar Embassy Corporation has generated $11 million in revenue from selling extraterrestrial real estate. According to the Lunar Embassy website, their legal basis for ownership is that "one can become the legal owner of an extraterrestrial body, if you are the first one who claimed it, and that is the Lunar Embassy. So is the Lunar Embassy a fake company? The Lunar Embassy Mars gift packages are unique, personalized gifts and since Lunar Embassy is the ONLY recognized legal seller of Extraterrestrial Real Estate you can be confident your purchase is from the Real Deal! 2) plots on the Moon as of 2009 . Is this true??? Founded Date 1980. Licensing Information: Lunar Embassy. The scheme is bogus, legal scholars argue, but . How was Rome founded? Answer (1 of 79): The sudden demise of Sushant Singh Rajput has left the country speechless. in the lunar real estate business. So far, 4.25 million people have purchased a piece of the moon, including celebrities like Barbara Walters, George Lucas, Ronald Reagan, and even the first President Bush. He once sold a country-sized plot of lunar land, 2.66 million acres of lunar land, for $250,000. There's an international treaty that says, basically, "no country owns anything in space." There is no recent news or activity for this profile. He found this loophole and subsequently "made a claim for the entire lunar surface, as well as the surface of all the other eight planets of our solar system and their moons (except Earth and the sun)," according to the Lunar Embassy, which Hope founded. Recently, Hope said, he's been sending letters on behalf of his government asking other countries not to trespass on the moon without a license. In the end of the day, it is all of our responsibility to ensure these bodies are taken care of. One acre of lunar property can be purchased for $19.99 . In fact, did you know that the lunar surface is covered in Helium 3? Needless to say, we have, since then, moved into the microwave age. Enter to "own" an acre of lunar real estate — and get some free Bagel Bites. ", So, we'll let you decide for yourself if this is real or a scam. If this gives others like us the chance to make many people a little bit happier by selling Extraterrestrial Properties, and if it allows others to make people happy by letting them drive lunar buggys around the Moon, then we should all remember in a responsible manner, that it is them who made all of it possible at all in the first place. The fact that he's now claiming his Galactic Government has legal authority over the moon might seem problematic. Buy Land on the Moon! Could this solve chronic pain—and the opioid crisis? While supplies last, we are offering a moon land for FREE. Total number of organizations similar to the given organization, Descriptive keyword for an Organization (e.g. Wildlife on the move: from trafficking to rescue and rewilding, Video Story, Copyright © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright © 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. This includes an as-yet undetermined amount of helium-3, which is now trapped in the moon's soil. Answer: First, let us explain the "opportunity" to subscribers who have never heard about the sale of land on the moon. From Amelia Earhart to Percy Fawcett’s expedition to the Lost City of Z, the fate of these five explorers remains mysterious. Yet this month, in what we understand to be a first, a California realtor got a credit card issued to a tree! The Outer Space Treaty designates that the moon and other celestial bodies are the common heritage of all Mankind... yeah, the schemes are probably bullshit. LRVs, also called moon buggies, are electric vehicles designed to expand astronauts' range of exploration on the low-gravity surface of the moon. It has therefore become an objective of the Lunar Embassy, if and when such laws are established, to help to protect the right of the general public to be allowed to claim and use these extraterrestrial resources, regardless of whether you are in proximity of the property or not. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 explicitly forbids any government from claiming a celestial resource such as the Moon or a planet. Buy your property on the Moon only with Lunar Embassy. An acre on the moon goes for $19.99, while the same size plot on Mars will set you back $22.49, plus tax and shipping and handling. Most customers will never get to see their purchases. Selling Extraterrestrial Property since 1980, there are no other legitimate seller of Land Off Planet. You can see a picture of the credit card here: ==} http://www.snopes.com/business/bank/treecard.asp. It just seems a bit daft to me. He set up and runs the company Lunar Embassy. What's their claim, and who do you register the deed transfer with? However, even if you didn't buy via spam, you still aren't safe. Chinese authorities have shut down this scheme in China on charges of "profiteering and lunacy." These treaties do not refer to “ownership” as such, they more commonly refer to the “exploitation of the Moon and other celestial bodies for profit purposes”, and extraterrestrial property sales distinctly fall under that section. Hope claims to have sold 7.5 percent of the moon so far, so . What are the current trends in the lunar real estate market? But Hope said that the fledgling regime isn't a member of the UN and so doesn't have to abide by its laws. For more than three decades, the Lunar Embassy Corporation. All of the certificates are printed on 11 inch x 14 inch simulated parchment paper suitable for framing. In order to choose which piece of Terra Luna he wants to sell, Hope simply closes his eyes and randomly points to a moon diagram. Make sure you only purchase Extraterrestrial Land from an authorized Lunar Embassy agent! ), Lunar Embassy is also selling extraterrestrial domains: For example, you can reserve your .ln, .le, .moon or .mars domain name now. One acre of lunar property can be purchased for $19.99, plus $10 in shipping and handling, $1.51 in planetary and lunar tax and $2.50 for a copy of the official certificate of ownership. The Lunar New Year is a crucial time for the area's merchants, who see a boost in sales. In 1980, he started his own business, the Lunar Embassy Commission. If you bought this book via a spam email, then it is almost certainly a scam. As the market leaders in the area of extraterrestrial property sales, the Lunar Embassy feels it is therefore necessary to dispel a few myths, if only to help our customers to make a correct and informed choice. Hope interpreted the treaty to mean private citizens could lay claim to the moon. in Nevada has offered several governments —mdash; including the U.S. — a huge chunk of money to solve their financial troubles. Have a look at the Prestigious Republican Award Mr. Hope and the Lunar Embassy have recently received from the US Congress. Buy Mars Cydonia Plaza View Sites – The Face on Mars – Location, Location, Location. As his customer base grew, he said, buyers wanted . Can tourism help protect the iconic Mont-Saint-Michel? There is a sampling of articles and TV appearances in our Moon Blog Section, our TV Press Reports Section, and our News Articles Section. Offers may be subject to change without notice. More than 2.5 million people from 180 countries have bought property on the moon and Mars in sales that reached $1 million last year. Hope estimates he's made about $12 million from his intergalactic ventures. New to the Lunar Embassy? Buy your property on Mars only with Lunar Embassy. And neither are those "name a star" scams, since we're on the topic of people making money off of the public's ignorance about space. While the Lunar Embassy treat their list of clients confidentially, we can reveal that approximately 675 very well known celebrities and three former Presidents of the United States of America are now extraterrestrial property owners and own moon real estate. . The historic—and fragile—island abbey is France’s most visited site outside of Paris. — Lunar Embassy (@EmbassyLunar) May 26, 2021 Hope is a local to Rio Vista, Calif. and is technically the moon's sole proprietor. (it gets pretty heavy in parts though…sorry…legal stuff never seems easy does it..). WE, THE LUNAR EMBASSY, are the only recognized world authority for the sale of lunar land and other planetary real estate in the known solar system. Meloth may be the first Keralite to own real estate on the moon and has a framed copy of his 'Lunar Deed' from the 'Lunar Embassy' proudly adorning on his office walls. Lunar Embassy, accessed Aug. 20, Pluto (in it's . Legal experts counter that the UN didn't answer because it didn't have to: The moon is unclaimable under the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which has so far been ratified by 100 UN member countries, including the United States. In short, there are no guarantees. . That Theres just one small, minor problem: Of all the approximately 185 member states of the UN only six states supported it. In 1980, Dennis Hope found a loophole in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. Early data is revealing a day in the life of this mysterious fish, which is probably critically endangered. The soviets were so surprised at the impact of this relatively unknown organization that they sent very obvious KGB members to chapter meetings in New York City to find out who they were. ( Limited to 45 The Race to Mars is on and Colonizing Mars is inevitably in our future. Unauthorized use is prohibited. This includes approximately 15 main actors from the . What the future brings, we do not know, and we can try to quantify that by telling you a true story that happened to us recently. The UN treaty does apply to governments and their private citizens, which invalidates Hope's claim to the moon and other celestial bodies, she said. Elon Musk has really started a whole new fascination with the Red Planet. All Rights Reserved. You absolutely cannot buy real estate on the Moon, because no one can sell it to you. All Rights Reserved. Its use as a fuel, though, hinges on developing a reliable process for fusion, a form of power generation that's "like a controlled hydrogen bomb explosion," said Peter Kokh, president of the nonprofit Moon Society. This is the nearest site to Apollo 11 landing site and hence, prime property (Lunar Embassy) does not sell previous or proposed land sites, else Apollo 11 landing site would have been the costliest . ", Copyright © 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright © 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. But you do need a clear legal framework for doing business on the property—something the moon currently lacks. Question: I heard that Visa issued a credit card to a tree. Real Estate Investment. As many stories unfold, Sushant was a natural genius whose expertise not only relied on his entertainment career but he was supremely intelligent with the knowledge about Quantum Physics, Stoicism, astrol. After researching at a community college, Hope believed he had found a loophole based on the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which says that “no nation by appropriation shall have sovereignty or control over any of the satellite bodies,” yet the document never mentions individuals. Buying an acre on the Mars is the ultimate unique gift for yourself or a loved one. Effectively, governments have signed to the fact that they have no rights to these bodies at all. The area is then colored in red to illustrate that it’s no longer available and the owner is provided with images of their, Some of these owners have big future plans for their properties, including, a golf course, he says, which will get tricky, because, “even a one-degree pitch would send the ball into outer space.”, The Lunar Embassy does not sell properties near historical landmarks,and Hope told us that he. We were assured to have our toast for a very long time. New York (6 July 2009 LT) — Luna Society International has announced that a crater on Earth's Moon will be renamed "Michael Joseph Jackson" in honor of the celebrated entertainer, who passed away on June 25, 2009. . The USA explicitly refused to sign it as it would inhibit the exploitation of Lunar and other celestial resources for profit by corporations and individuals. Many companies are gearing up to exploit lunar and celestial resources for profit. You can trust your piece of the Moon purchase with us, the ONLY and ORIGINAL land on the Moon seller with a filed claim. - 7 specific things you can do to protect yourself from MasterCard and other credit card fraud and identity theft. No celestial body is owned by NASA and they have never claimed them. As his customer base grew, he said, buyers wanted assurances that their property rights would be protected. ’s very clear in the U.N. treaty. Is your Gift for a Special Occasion? In order to choose which piece of Terra Luna he wants to sell, Hope simply closes his eyes and randomly points to a moon diagram. 1 deed or 3 and more deeds Internationally is fine to add the note. Us News – Who Owns the Moon? Again, that can not be done unless ownership rights are addressed and settled. Could a parasitic fungus evolve to control humans? There's just one problem with that – it does. Hope hasn't sold deeds to every single one of those acres, but he has accrued at least $12 million in profits from sales of the moon and other planets.
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