Once again (quite literally) adrift, his path crossed with the terrorist . Even the horn-ram that Savage launched Sidious off the balcony with dealt absolutely no visible or implicit injury to him; this is significant because that same horn-ram was crippling against Adi Gallia in the duel between her and Savage on Florrum in the episode "Revival." StarWars.com: I wanted to talk about Ahsoka. Maul tried to slash past Sidious’s guard, only to find his Master had given ground, causing Maul to extend his arms too far and leave himself slightly unbalanced. Sidious retrieved a pair of elegant-looking lightsabers from within the depths of his robes and ignited them. You realize that she nor the Jedi might not have realized that while they were fighting the war, how robust this whole military thing had gotten on Coruscant. The commandos rushing to intercept him reached for their throats, gagging, and the cloaked figure swept past them without a sideways glance, gaze fixed straight ahead. Sidious watched the lightning build in intensity, his eyes unblinking, his teeth gritted in a triumphant, terrible smile. But yeah, I was fully prepared for the bile. StarWars.com: I found myself feeling a little sympathetic, despite all the things that Maul and Savage did, when Savage was dying. Then he crashed to the ground. When we first find Maul, you can even hear Maul muttering some of the same dialogue that the Son actually says on Mortis. Nothing will make him be other then the monster he truly is. You cannot hide the soul. She used Dooku’s physical power against Sidious, but she also intended to hurt him -- to let him know what it’s like to see an apprentice, a child, taken away from its teacher. IGN: And there are some other notable beats there at the end, besides, obviously, the death of Savage. At the end of the day, with Sidious, nobody was really going to be able to touch him. Savage finally snapped under the strain of his abusive training, turning his fury on both Dooku and Ventress. Upon realizing this, Opress chased after his brother, calling out to him until he caught up to him in a cavern. Locating the nearest ship, he forced the captain of the ship to let him travel with him to the planet Lotho Minor and later tossed the unfortunate man out of the ship when they arrived. There's a thing telling you to protest people who wear fur. And I thought it was a great call. Savage Opress ( pronounced /sə'vɑʒ oʊ'pres/) was the younger brother of Maul and the older brother of Feral. But Maul had never faced his Master when he was actually trying to kill him. In the Darth Plagueis book, Plagueis and Palpatine discuss the training of Maul. Dathomir[1] In Obi-Wan we really see the Jedi because he is compromised. Originally a tribal leader on Dathomir, Opress was handpicked by the Nightsister Asajj Ventress to become her "mate" and servant following her grueling tests of Selection, as part of her bid for revenge on her former Master, the Sith Lord Count Dooku. “I am not like you. Please...”. Maul learned how to be a student from Darth Sidious, and how to be a teacher from his own brother, Savage Oppress -- both of which were lessons in the art of how to create the hate, jealousy, and fear that the Sith harness and the Jedi try to avoid. In the clip I posted of the duel itself, after Sidious pushes Maul away, he then leaps around Savage and dodges his lightsaber strokes with his own two blades withdrawn, then proceeds to outfight Savage and kill him. He was Sith. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Boba Fett is a very divisive character amongst the Star Wars fandom. The key to interpreting this quote properly is in understanding that this a statement of comparison between Savage and the Jedi Council members, not Savage and Sidious. Obi-Wan doesn't believe Ahsoka is guilty of these crimes, but he has a very hard time arguing politically that the Jedi Council shouldn't do what they do to her. If anything, it's Luke's overwhelming compassion and love for his father that in the end overthrows the Emperor because it's something that he doesn't understand. She then left the pair together as Maul became reconnected with the drastically-changed galaxy around him. And with a little bit of research, Kilian Plunkett and I realized that Sidious probably had two lightsabers. [13] He also used the Turtle Tanker to travel to Dathomir and later Raydonia. 19 BBY,[2] Mandalore[3] Opress dueled Kenobi, but lost his left arm to Kenobi's lightsaber. Was where she ends up at the end of Season Five always the intended path for her? Maul and Savage's first attempt on Kenobi's life ended in failure, thanks in part to Asajj Ventress' intervention. [10], Savage Opress was voiced by prolific voice actor Clancy Brown in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, first appearing in the episode "Monster. Savage was a relatively easy first student for Maul. Savage Opress is slain by Darth Sidious, his body fading as all the dark magic from Mother Talzin flows out of him. Well, they're motivated by fear and then they create terrible things. As the Nightsister magic left Opress's body, he apologized to his brother and admitted that he was never like him, transforming back to his initial form before dying in Maul's arms. The two first crossed paths in 1999's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, and for years the Sith apprentice was believed dead.Maul was eventually resurrected towards the end of the fourth season of the television show Star Wars: The . Some love him for how cool and iconic he is, as well as his vast potential and out-of-movie appearances; others cannot get over how wasted he is in the original trilogy. Isolating one comment from Filoni and holding that as the rule of the fight when there is a wealth of other comments from him pointing to a different conclusion is an obscurantist's argument. They're very important to me, I've always respected them. Eventually, Opress was forced to become his brother's apprentice in accordance with the Rule of Two. Maul seems to have been Force sensitive all along and Savage only altered as a mean of revenge, that is why Maul has a normal height. [23] He possessed enough telekinetic power to simultaneously lift and Force choke Dooku and Ventress when enraged. He gets to convict a Jedi of a terrorist act. How you depicted it onscreen and the choreography and how it came about? Opress soon became a Sith apprentice to Dooku, who intended to use his new acolyte to overthrow his own Master, Darth Sidious, and claim control of the galaxy. [14] After their duel with Kenobi and Ventress, Opress and Maul stopped using the tanker in favor of a YV-865 Aurore-class freighter. From Sidious and from Talzin, he learned that sometimes he had to be more subtle. Despite being cut in half, Maul was able to survive his wounds by focusing on his hatred of Obi-Wan and his intense desire for revenge. Maul’s vision swam. And I think people will see that over time. The next point is cut content from the scene. For these reasons, Oppress was considered to be among the best of the clan's fighters,[21] able to fight on par with Asajj Ventress even before his transformation. Did Maul really care for him on some level? The two Zabraks stared grimly at the hooded figure. [22][12] His combat style relied on his immense strength, with Opress hammering and swiftly repelling his opponents with raw kinetic power. Species Darth Maul; Nightbrother Characters (Star Wars) Cad Bane; Sugi the Bounty Hunter (Star Wars) . Despite the hierarchy Maul had created between them, the brothers did care deeply about one another, allowing them to work together as an efficient team. However, Opress soon realized he was being used by Ventress and when Ventress sprung the trap and tried to defeat Dooku with his help, he betrayed both her and Dooku. [3] Savage used the spear during the Devaron massacre, killing a handful of clone troopers and two members of the Jedi Order with the enchanted weapon. When Kenobi arrived, Maul and Opress surprise-attacked him in the ruins of the town and, using several coordinated attacks, knocked him out and took him prisoner. While in the castle, Maul experienced a vision of Opress who shunned his inability to be neither a master nor a brother to him. He then sent the Jedi a hologram of him slaughtering the civilians and called for Kenobi. Really surprised. He's given me food, tea and saved me from Savage. He puts up a better fight than the Jedi Council did, I'll say that much for him" (1:24-1:33). Sidious can't show up and have people walk out of the room. He was confronted by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, but he bulled his way past them and returned to Dooku with the King's corpse. Why no one can compete with this guy. Been years since I wrote one of these, but I have plenty of material to work with for several entries in this blog series. His sabers stabbed and slashed through the smallest hole in an opponent’s guard, his movements never carried him a millimeter out of position, and he could sense every attack Maul and Savage made before it developed. Filoni is absolutely right. Did Maul really care for him on some level? Finally, to solidify my general point, here are two pages from starwars.com that finalize Sidious' ease of victory. But Maul and Savage are no match for a true Sith and are quickly dispatched . Why Savage Oppress Revived Darth Maul. Right down to his mechanical legs. That didn't last long however, as Maul was *killed* shortly after. On the other hand, Maul’s fight was more personal. It’s just not gonna happen. There's an internal struggle that you see with Maul that is trying to tell you there's a lot more to his story than you know, and he's not just an evil force for his whole life, mostly. And that arc, I think, really set an interesting tone for ourselves and for the fans. We were trying to illustrate the difference between the way Anakin is raising his Padawan, and how much he cares about her, and the way Luminara raises her Padawan. I think part of it is that Sam [Witwer] plays both of them, so there's a natural resonance between the two characters. Ashoka is akin in power to that random jedi Padawn that Obi takes to fight Maul and his brother and is slayed by Savage Opress in 5 seconds! "You know, getting taken out by Sidious is pretty good, ranks up there. “Brother, I am an unworthy apprentice,” Savage said. So again we see this comparison of where Ahsoka is at because of Anakin, and where these other Padawans, which represent the other Jedi, are at. Just then, he was tricked by Morley, who sent him falling through the junk into a tunnel, with the Anacondan noting that he would soon be killed by his master. In the Clone Wars series, another Dathomirian, Savage Opress, discovered that Maul was his long lost brother, and he began searching for him among the stars. Press J to jump to the feed. There's such a big fear of death because they try to hold onto life. Fear attracts the fearful. After murdering his beloved brother Feral in a display of loyalty to Ventress, Opress entered the Clone Wars as a Dark Acolyte, serving as an enforcer in Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. Maul helped his wounded brother limp away from the reinvigorated pirates and fled.[10]. With time Maul seemed to soften... somewhat, at least seemingly recognizing what the dark path had taken from him, but he choses to blame that on Obi-Wan and Palpatine, rather then his own and Talzin evil ways. I knew that Ashley herself would be a big part of diffusing the Ahsoka anger. Sidious yanked his weapon back and Savage seemed to hang suspended for a moment, as if he were being levitated by with the Force. A mist seemed to rise from Savage's body, emerging from his wounds and then from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. And now she just means so much to so many people. like i feel like he wanted to care for his brother Savage but he was so caught up in his insanity and obsession of being better than Palpatine and killing Obi-Wan that his feelings towards Savage as a brother just died down until of course a little bit before the passing of Savage But strong as he had become, Maul found himself in awe of Sidious. They love this stuff. [4], At some point after the Devaron massacre, Savage began using a crimson double-bladed lightsaber in favor of the enchanted spear given to him by Talzin,[9] wielding the weapon until his death at the hands of Darth Sidious. Opress fought hard alongside Maul and even threw Sidious off the balcony with a headbutt, proving to be a great foe for the Dark Lord. Like everything we do, it was actually tremendously longer, and we had to cut it much shorter to actually get it onscreen. Sidious turned Maul’s own philosophy against him when he killed Savage, declaring that there could only be one Master and one apprentice. "Red's not my . 8/10 Threatening A Child Luke On Tatooine. Eventually, Opress was sent on a mission to Toydaria, where he was tasked with capturing the Toydarian King Katuunko. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Is Savage Opress older than Maul? And then she has a big failing when she goes to Ryloth and all these pilots die, in a way, because of her error, and she has to overcome her fear that she's going to let them down again. The Vizsla fight, if you can believe it, was actually longer, too. You can't take what fans say personally, you can't get upset about it. His head hit the wall with a sickening crunch. [8], Opress, Maul, and the Mandalorians were soon joined by the Pyke Syndicate before traveling to Nal Hutta to meet with the Hutt Ruling Council.
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