Tagalog (including Filipino) - 1.7 million. The language has a total of 1.121 billion speakers worldwide. But while many of those who do not have a grasp of the language aspire to learn it, there are many others who perceive it as an instrument of oppression, associated not only with imperialism but also with the predations of capitalism and Christianity. Aside from English and Spanish, here are the top 10 most common languages spoken in the U.S., according to Census data: Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese) - 3.2 million. Like China, the population in India continues to grow. . Authors Tolkien and faithfully used in Peter Jackson’s films of “The Lord of the Rings.” A more recent example of a new artificial language is the one conceived by Paul Frommer that is spoken by the blue-skinned Na’vi in James Cameron’s 2009 film “Avatar.” Where once they embodied political hopefulness in the real world, invented languages have become accessories of art and entertainment. Here's what the ratings mean: 10 - Brilliant. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the journal Editor. People within a culture usually interpret the meaning of symbols, artifacts, and behaviors in the same or in similar ways." Damen, L. (1987). The essay then goes into detail about how English is used culturally in media and entertainment industries throughout the world. They are relatively new in the market and will stay so until a competing language is developed and accepted by the market. From being confined to the Emirates region, Arabic is now one of the world’s fastest growing languages. TutorsOnSpot.com Online Tutoring Since 2013 OUR SERVICES The article also discusses the possible outcomes of English becoming an international language, writing that native speakers will likely be left behind as bilingualism becomes a prized skill. We then move into a timeline of English use. A list of all articles that have featured a Plain Language Summary can be found below. Our network includes linguists with backgrounds in all major industries. Between 1950 and 2010, 230 languages went extinct, according to the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger. Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. Russia is one of the largest economies in the world. In India, while English is much used in the media, administration, education and business, there are calls to curb its influence. Similarly, slang and the new words that seem to evolve spontaneously on social media, may be looked down upon as unimportant. China’s economy is growing rapidly and Chinese companies are present in several countries across the globe. It starts as a look into the history of widespread use of English. Languages of the future - part 1 - Rust - logicai Languages of the future - part 1 - Rust People always look at the next big thing. Cultural might outlives military rule. The Poetry Foundation. The languages of the future will instead move toward a simpler structure influenced by technology use and globalization. Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. His agenda is patriotic. The key drivers behind the continued rise in popularity of these languages include population growth, economic predictions and national language policy. Wherever English has been used, it has lasted. The main ones seem likely to come from Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. Additional authors not involved with the original publication can be included in the PLSP; however, they must meet the authorship criteria stipulated by the ICMJE. Additional Resources: Resource usage information; A Byte of Python; Automate the Boring Stuff. This makes the passing on of the language to non-native speakers less likely to be successful. People speak English widely across some 118 countries. Arabic - 1 million. What is the future language? But revenge could be on the horizon: The language beloved by Parisian poets, Russian aristocrats and pretentious grad students is set to reclaim its title when it becomes the world's most commonly . "Giving Instructions" is the language function. The inversion is spurious. Britain continued to colonialize the world, and bring with it settlers, and by proxy, English. There is a long history of people using the language for anti-English ends – of creative artists and political figures asserting in English their distance from Englishness or Britishness or American-ness. The majority of speakers of Mandarin Chinese live in one country, and, excepting Spain, most Spanish-speakers are in the Americas. Sandburg, Carl. Around the world, English does not stay the same. It has been estimated that out of the 6,000 or so languages in use today, people around the world will gradually reduce the number of languages needed to communicate as well as the form in which they are communicated. But at present neither is much used as a lingua franca. The trouble is, often I and many others like me do not exercise much care at all. What was diffrent about news delivered by radio and television, compared to earlier methods of delivery? It’s a stamp of approval for the language to likely be one of the languages of the future to be used worldwide. I have mentioned India already; English is important to its global ambitions. "UCO stands for University of Central Oklahoma & i am trying to attend their Forensic Science Program to major in Forensics Investigations.Please Help Me ASAP. The UN . In the twenty-first century the world is becoming more urban and more middle class, and the adoption of English is a symptom of this, for increasingly English serves as the lingua franca of business and popular culture. Spanish is an easy language for English speakers to learn because it belongs to the same language family – Indo-European. 2)Java. At the same time, native speakers of English tend to assume that their ability in this potent language makes it unimportant to learn other languages. Image Copyright: convisum / 123RF Stock Photo. While the Japanese economy has its difficulties, there is still a big prospect for the Japanese market and its language. The 128.3 million Japanese speakers live in several countries, including Australia and Brazil. The amazing thing is that there are more Spanish speakers outside of Spain! For authors wishing to feature a PLS alongside their article, we offer a writing and development service. Did you know that Japanese is the ninth most spoken language in the world? Robert Nares, writing in 1784, presented with no little relish a vision of English extending prodigiously around the globe. Advertisement Previous Some linguists predict that this may in fact be beneficial. By 2115 there may only be 600 active languages. Read " What's the Language of the Future " by Henry Hitchings. It is going to be difficult to ignore Arabic as well. But the effects of language can extend even further into our physical world - influencing . It is also a leader in artificial intelligence and robotics. By Henry Hitchings. British English is now a minority amongst the many 'Englishes' that are spoken around the world. The history of international languages is outlined in Henry Hitchings' book, along with how English is assuming this role now. But on the other hand, fewer languages will give a wonderful opportunity . This streamlining of older languages is something that we have already witnessed with the revival of Irish Gaelic and its transformation into modern Gaelic. ------------------------------------------, "The Language Wars: A History of Proper English". Corporations and organizations are no longer limited to do business within the boundaries of the countries were they were established. Henry Hitchings Whats the language of future? There are challenges to the position of English as the dominant world language in the twenty-first century. Russia is a huge market. All three have subject-verb-object word order, and their nouns and verbs display few inflections. Solving everyday problems with code. Today it is English, rather than any created alternative, that is the world’s auxiliary tongue. The list here is not absolute nor is it complete. The Creating Mind 4. Most of these are now forgotten: who remembers Cosmoglossa, Spokil, Mundolingue, Veltparl, Interlingua, Romanizat, Adjuvilo or Molog? Some languages refer to the future using verb helpers like "will" and "shall," while others don't have specific verbs to refer to future actions. It is one of the world’s largest providers of various services, centered in manufacturing for several industries including luxury goods, cosmetics, railways, aerospace and automotive. They come from a study published in 2006 by the British Council, an organization set up in 1934 and today operating as an "international cultural relations body" in more than a hundred countries. Numerous other languages, including Globish, Esperanto, Spokil, Molog, and Romanizat, have been suggested as future world languages that are simple to learn and use for commercial communication. I suck at Essays & I am struggling bad to come up with an Essay with less than 1000 characters e German shares many words with the English language because they both belong to the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family. In this case, it doesn't matter which we use. Read "What's the Language of the Future" by Henry Hitchings. That view is often played down, but the role of the British Council in promoting British English ties in with British corporate interests. English comes next. Language is ultimately a fruit of human desire to express one self. English may not be the dominant language of the future, and the need to be multilingual will be enhanced. Yet even where English has been denigrated as an instrument of colonialism, it has held on – and in most cases grown, increasing its numbers of speakers and functions. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. It is native to approximately 295 million speakers that are spread in 53 countries. The language is growing fast, and growing in the fastest-growing areas of the world, particularly sub-Saharan Africa. Today almost two billion people, soon to be every third person in the world, speak modern English. Your choice of languages depends on your objectives and goals, your vision for the future of your business or career and the type of customers you want to gain. Chinese is a difficult language to learn for English speakers, but the language is foreseen to be one of the languages of the future because of China’s massive economic shift, from being a close-door economy to increasing national and international trade and creating treaties with various countries and making inroads in the field of technology and science. Although these schemes may be intended in a different spirit, promoting a neutral form of English rather than one freighted with "Anglo" values, they are part of a larger, often invisible project: to establish a community, without territorial boundaries, of people who use English; to make its use seem not just normal, but also prestigious; and to market it as a language of riches, opportunity, scholarship, democracy and moral right. Since Be prepared to discuss how these language characteristics differ from the language of your classmates' dialogues.
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